Researchers cry ‘fascism’ after students mock their identity survey


A team of woke researchers at Oregon State University is crying “fascism” after they appeared to break mentally when students mocked their identity survey with responses like “ethnic gift card” and “attack helicopter.”

The aggravated academics cried out that “fascist ideologues” are “living ‘inside the house’ of engineering and computer science,” according to a report citing the researchers’ findings in the Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies.


They were shocked when they were inundated with mockery and sarcasm after they attempted to research the nature of the undergraduate LGBT community within the STEM fields, according to the researchers.

At least 50 of the 349 responses they received had “slurs, hate speech, or direct targeting of the research team.”

Students who sent these in were deemed “malicious respondents,” and the woke researchers harnessed their hurt feelings to change their study and look into how these responses “relate to engineering culture by framing them within larger social contexts — namely, the rise of online fascism.”

In the end, they produced a work titled “Attack Helicopters and White Supremacy: Interpreting Malicious Responses to an Online Questionnaire about Transgender Undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science Student Experiences,” according to the report.

The work detailed how, when they were asked to submit demographic information, “12 respondents (24%) indicated their gender as being related to a helicopter or aircraft,” including an “Apache Attack Helicopter” and a “V22 osprey.”

When asked what disabilities they suffer from, “malicious” students responded by saying “My country is run by communists” and that transgenderism is a disability because of the “inability to come to terms with biological reality.”

“I’m an ethnic gift card,” one student said. “I don’t have enough gift cards.”

Some respondents trashed the very notion of the survey.

“My skin color is not important,” according to one respondent.

“Come on man, these questions are stupid. Everyone is a grab bag of genetics from all over the world,” another said.

“What else do you want to know? What I ate for breakfast?” one student asked. “[T]his question is unnecessary.”

The research team was clearly hurt by the responses and reported having their morale and mental health profoundly impacted, the report noted.


One individual was “already in therapy for anxiety and depression regarding online anti-trans rhetoric,” and “managing the study’s data collection caused significant personal distress, and time had to be taken off the project to heal from traumatic harm” of having to read students’ responses in the survey.

“Online memes associated with white nationalist and fascist movements were present throughout the data, alongside memes and content referencing gaming and ‘nerd’ culture,” according to the researchers.

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